The World Of Intellectual Property

The World Of Intellectual Property

The World Of Intellectual Property

The world of intellectual property is changing every day. Regardless if you are a published author or if you are inspired to become a published author, there are things you must know about intellectual property to protect your work of art. Anytime a work is created, written or developed which is different than any existing work of that type or category, the work is classified as novel and requires copyright filing.

Have you heard or previously known that many of times artists and even writers forfeit or lose their right (royalties) because of their lack of knowledge concerning the legal requirements or system as far as intellectual property is concerned? While the Pataskity Publishing is a great company and continuously offers information on copyright, not all companies may provide such extensive knowledge and insight. Any package that Pataskity Publishing offers includes copyright filing. Not only does each package includes copyright filing but also the service of one applying for a copyright through Pataskity is offered via the company's website. Therefore, you do not have to purchase an entire package of you only require a copyright. You may require this service solely.


If you use a ghost-writer withing our services or service packages, we will discuss copyright and royalties in detail. Not every company will be as great or even as fair. Therefore, in all honesty it is your responsibility as an author and inspired author to look into your intellectual property and educate yourself. Before deciding which company to service or contract with to publish a book, you should ask yourself: "What is a copyright?" "What is a trademark?" "What are the legal steps behind me protecting and branding myself as an author is speaker or even starting a new movement?" These are all great questions. As a writer and entrepreneur, the response is based upon your willingness to allow Pataskity Publishing Company to direct you in the right path. Pataskity Publishing provides each client a free coaching session and on-going support once the client chooses to service with Pataskity. In other words, Pataskity Publishing is here for you and makes these challenges so much easier and rewarding.

Writing For Beginners

In the beginning of the writing process, certain steps may be hard. No worries! This is normal. It is normal to wonder about the type of literature you would like to create or even the process of writing. For many writers, process of writing begins with a single thought. The process moves forward to creating ideas about what you will be writing about. This step is called brainstorming. After you have brainstormed and written out your thoughts, you should develop a draft. The next step is to proofread and edit your content. This step allows you to recognize details that will make your book more interesting than what it currently be. Remember your goal is to have interesting details alongside well-written content. Writing is something that never ends; thus, the work of writing never feels completed. You may spend hours and hours just reading and rereading. This is normal. Keep in mind that you will not be the only editor of your work because once the content is developed, you should let someone else read it or even hire a publishing company like Pataskity Publishing which will review your book, offer tips or even provide editing services before publication. All of these are steps toward you become a published author and owning a copyright.

Deciding On The Correct Form For Copyright

The next deal of business once you have a well-written story is to consider how you will protect your work. This step poses a great question which is: "What type of protection do I need?" Inspired authors often ask: "What types of copyright should I file?" Consider the fact you may want to do something more after the publication of the book such as perhaps starting a new t- shirt line, creating a responsive website to start selling products and services, and so much more! Sometimes as an author you may include a spoken portion or even performing arts to your work such as a song. Even in today's book publishing World audible books have become very popular as well. Because of these details to consider, one must make sure the correct type of copyright is filed.

While it seems very simple, the question can become complexed when one is considered or even being asked: "What type of protection do I need for my book?" There is no doubt that every author needs to own a copyright. Copyrights are protection for your novel work. Copyrights will protect you in any legal situation where you feel your work has been infringed if such situation occurred.

Investing In A Copyright

Before you make any progress or any initial steps as far as protecting your work legally, you should file for a copyright. The great news is that copyrights are the form of legal protection that all authors will need. Some companies may hold copyrights whenever publishing for a client. Most companies do not provide the client the copyright. However, at Pataskity Publishing we will provide you copyright filing services. All of our publication packages include copyright filing. What most people may not know is that there are no annual renewal fees or maintenance fees associated with a basic copyright. A copyright can be filed for a one-time minimal investment. The even better news is that once a copyright has been granted, it will last for the lifetime of the author plus an additional 70 years. Yes, that is a long time! Copyrights is one of the lowest cost investments that one can use to create residual income.

Thus, one may wonder what to invest in. Some people may invest in other investments; however, others choose to invest into other forms of intellectual property such as art, writing literature and publications. The truth is if you made an investment in yourself and spent hours and hours of labor working on a well-written and interesting manuscript, you owe it to yourself to own a copyright. Also, copyrights are very inexpensive. Rather you are requiring a copyright for the written material and audible version of your book or even to become a motion film picture the cost is very economical to protect to work.

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